Barbuda Pentecostal Church

From enriching youth programs to helping hands during emergencies, the church plays a pivotal role in improving and enhancing Barbudans’ lives.

The Barbuda Pentecostal Church may be one of the oldest churches in Barbuda, dating back roughly 88 years, but its ever-evolving community services consistently keep pace with the current needs of Barbudans.

Since 1994, the church’s youth activities have included academic help for school dropouts, and in 2010 they added a Drum Corps, fitting youth with marching drums donated by the Mill Reef Fund. The Drum Corps gives youth new skills and experiences, and the band has the distinction of leading the national Independence Day parade every year. Another church program called RUSH (Reaching to Ultimate Successful Heights) helps youth develop positive lifestyles through sports.

The church is also dedicated to serving older adults on the island. It provides health screenings, counseling for people with cancer, and pays some expenses for church members who need to travel for extended care. The ministry encourages and enables the aging population to share their beliefs with younger church members, inspiring faith in future generations.

“With the timely intervention of the Mill Reef Fund, the island of Barbuda will not only rebound from crises like Hurricane Irma and the pandemic but will rise to new heights. MRF and other benevolent agencies are helping us actualize our bright future.”

– Reverend Nigel Henry

As for emergencies like Hurricane Irma and the Covid pandemic, Barbuda Pentecostal—with help from the Mill Reef Fund—can be counted on to be on the frontlines with food and supplies, moral support, and other vital assistance.

The church’s extensive community outreach programs depend on ongoing financial assistance and the Mill Reef Fund is an important partner in helping the church care for its community.