Lexia Learning

Lexia Learning helps children become confident and successful readers, paving the way for academic success.

Lexia Learning was established in 1984 to assist children with dyslexia in becoming successful readers and confident learners. The company led the way in developing innovative computer technology that offers systematic and tailored instruction to address literacy challenges.

In Antigua, Lexia Learning programs are in use at Cedar Grove Primary School, Liberta Primary School, Ottos Comprehensive School, and TN Kirnon Primary School. Results clearly show that children’s reading skills vastly improve with Lexia Learning programs. What’s more, children’s performance in all subject areas improves because reading is integral to every academic subject.


“Our students show visible and trackable reading improvements with Lexia Learning programs. Mill Reef Fund donations have helped us set up a reading room with laptops and headphones and purchase a printer so we can provide the children with supplemental information. The Fund’s kind support is helping our children regain lost confidence and setting them on a path toward success.”

– Andrea Roberts, Ottos Comprehensive School

Lexia Learning’s computerized reading lessons include spoken words, with letters and words connected to pictures. The programs are individualized to meet each child’s needs—ideal in a blended classroom where students are learning at different levels. The programs also offer daily reporting on each child’s progress, so teachers can provide one-on-one attention to students when it’s needed.

The Mill Reef Fund partnered with the Bellevue Breakfast Rotary Club in Washington state to supply the computers and network connections needed to make Lexia Learning possible in Antiguan schools. They also provided headphones so students can work in a quiet environment with minimal distractions. Education professionals called Literacy Links from Hands Across the Sea, the other reading program MRF supports, further assist Lexia students with appropriate books, instruction, and encouragement.